LehrFEM++ 1.0.0
A simple Finite Element Library for teaching
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NassembleD.o.f. index mapping and assembly facilities
 CCOOMatrixA temporary data structure for matrix in COO format
 CDofHandlerA general (interface) class for DOF handling, see Lecture Document Paragraph
 CDynamicFEDofHandlerDof handler allowing variable local dof layouts
 CEntityMatrixProviderATArchetype for the EntityMatrixProvider concept
 CEntityVectorProviderATArchetype for the EntityVectorProvider concept
 CUniformFEDofHandlerDofhandler for uniform finite element spaces
 NbaseContains basic functionality that is used by other parts of LehrFEM++
 CAutoTimerMeasures execution time between construction and destruction. AutoTimer can output either to a std::ostream or to a spdlog::logger
 CInvalidTypeExceptionThrown to signal that an argument passed to a function had the wrong (polymorphic) type
 CIsScalarBase Traits class which can be used to determine if a type T is a scalar value
 CIsScalar< std::complex< T >, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > >Also std::complex is a "scalar" type if the underlying type is a std::is_arithmetic type
 CIsScalar< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > >Any type that is a std::is_arithmetic is also a scalar type
 CLehrFemInfoProvides extra information about this version of LehrFEM++, in particular licensing information
 CLfExceptionA simple, general purpose exception class that is thrown by LehrFEM++ if something is wrong
 CLineFeedFormatterA spdlog formatter which wraps another formatter and makes sure that if there are new lines (\n) in the log message, that the log message is still properly indented
 CPredicateTrueA Function Object that can be invoked with any arguments and that always returns the value true
 CRefElRepresents a reference element with all its properties
 CTimerTimer class to measure time
 NfeCollects data structures and algorithms designed for scalar finite element methods primarily meant for second-order elliptic boundary value problems
 Ntest_utilsIncludes utilities to test classes from lf::fe
 CDiffusionElementMatrixProviderClass for computing element matrices for general scalar-valued finite elements and homogeneous 2nd-order elliptic bilinear forms
 CFeHierarchicQuadHierarchic Finite Elements of arbitrary degree on quadrilaterals
 CFeHierarchicSegmentHierarchic Finite Elements of arbitrary degree on segments
 CFeHierarchicTriaHierarchic Finite Elements of arbitrary degree on triangles
 CFePointFinite element on a point
 CHierarchicScalarFESpaceFinite Element Space that supports arbitrary, local degrees
 CMassEdgeMatrixProviderQuadrature-based computation of local mass matrix for an edge
 CMassElementMatrixProviderClass for local quadrature based computation of element matrix for Lagrangian finite elements and a weighted \(L^2\) inner product
 CMeshFunctionFEA MeshFunction representing an element from a ScalarFESpace (e.g. solution of BVP)
 CMeshFunctionGradFEA MeshFunction representing the gradient of a function from a scalar finite element space (e.g. gradient of a solution of BVP)
 CScalarFESpaceSpace of scalar valued finite element functions on a Mesh
 CScalarLoadEdgeVectorProviderLocal edge contributions to element vector
 CScalarLoadElementVectorProviderLocal computation of general element (load) vector for scalar finite elements; volume contributions only
 CScalarReferenceFiniteElementInterface class for parametric scalar valued finite elements
 NgeometryDefines the Geometry interface and provides a number of classes that implement this interface + additional geometry related helper routines
 CGeometryInterface class for shape information on a mesh cell in the spirit of parametric finite element methods
 CParallelogramAffine quadrilateral = parallelogram
 CQuadO1Bilinear quadrilateral element shape
 CQuadO2A second-order quadrilateral in the plane or in 3D space
 CRefinementPatternAbstract interface class for encoding topological local refinement
 CSegmentO1A straight edge defined by the location of its two endpoints
 CSegmentO2A second-order segment in the plane or in 3D space
 CTriaO1An affine triangle in the plane or in 3D space
 CTriaO2A second-order triangle in the plane or in 3D space
 NioMesh input (from file) and output (in various formats) facilities
 CGMshFileV2A representation of a .msh file (V2) in a c++ data structure
 CGMshFileV4A representation of a .msh file (V4) in a c++ data structure
 CGmshReaderReads a Gmsh *.msh file into a mesh::MeshFactory and provides a link between mesh::Entity objects and the gmsh's physical entities
 CVtkFileRepresentation of a VTK file (only relevant) features (advanced usage)
 CVtkWriterWrite a mesh along with mesh data into a vtk file
 NmeshDefines a set of interface classes that define a mesh manager and provides mesh-related tools that build on these interfaces
 Nhybrid2dA namespace for managing 2D hybrid meshes using pointers to store sub-entity relations
 NutilsContains helper functions and classes that all operate on the interface classes defined in lf::mesh
 CEntityInterface class representing a topological entity in a cellular complex
 CMeshAbstract interface for objects representing a single mesh
 CMeshFactoryInterface class for initialization of a mesh object
 NquadRules for numerical quadrature on reference entity shapes
 CQuadRuleRepresents a Quadrature Rule over one of the Reference Elements
 CQuadRuleCacheA cache for make_QuadRule()
 NrefinementTools for regular or local refinement of 2D hybrid meshes
 CCellChildInfoInformation about the refinement status of a cell
 CEdgeChildInfoInformation about the refinement status of an edge
 CEntityCenterPositionSelectorUtility class: selection of entities according to the position of their midpoint
 CHybrid2DRefinementPatternClass containing information about the refinement of a cell
 CMeshFunctionTransferA MeshFunction representing interpolation on a lf::refinement::MeshHierarchy
 CMeshHierarchyA hierarchy of nested 2D hybrid meshes created by refinement
 CParentInfoInformation about possible parent entities
 CPointChildInfoInformation about the refinement status of a point
 NuscalfeCollects data structures and algorithms designed for scalar finite element methods primarily meant for second-order elliptic boundary value problems
 CFeLagrangeO1QuadLinear Lagrange finite element on the quadrilateral reference element
 CFeLagrangeO1SegmentLinear Lagrange finite element on a line segment
 CFeLagrangeO1TriaLinear Lagrange finite element on triangular reference element
 CFeLagrangeO2QuadQuadratic Lagrangian finite element on a quadrilateral reference element
 CFeLagrangeO2SegmentQuadratic Lagrangian finite element on a line segment
 CFeLagrangeO2TriaQuadratic Lagrangian finite element on a triangular reference element
 CFeLagrangeO3QuadCubic Lagrangian finite element on a quadrilateral reference element
 CFeLagrangeO3SegmentCubic Lagrangian finite element on a line segment
 CFeLagrangeO3TriaCubic Lagrangian finite elment on a triangular reference element
 CFeSpaceLagrangeO1(Bi)Linear Lagrangian Finite Element space
 CFeSpaceLagrangeO2Quadratic Lagrangian Finite Element space
 CFeSpaceLagrangeO3Cubic Lagrangian Finite Element space
 CLinearFELaplaceElementMatrixComputing the element matrix for the (negative) Laplacian and linear finite elements
 CLinearFELocalLoadVectorClass for computation of local load vector for linear finite elements
 CMassEdgeMatrixProviderQuadrature-based computation of local mass matrix for an edge
 CPrecomputedScalarReferenceFiniteElementHelper class which stores a ScalarReferenceFiniteElement with precomputed values at the nodes of a quadrature rule
 CReactionDiffusionElementMatrixProviderClass for local quadrature based computations for Lagrangian finite elements and second-order scalar elliptic BVPs
 CScalarLoadEdgeVectorProviderLocal edge contributions to element vector
 CScalarLoadElementVectorProviderLocal computation of general element (load) vector for scalar finite elements; volume contributions only
 CUniformScalarFESpaceSpace of scalar valued finite element functions on a hybrid 2D mesh