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LehrFEM++ 1.0.0
A simple Finite Element Library for teaching
▼Nlf | |
▼Nassemble | D.o.f. index mapping and assembly facilities |
CCOOMatrix | A temporary data structure for matrix in COO format |
CDofHandler | A general (interface) class for DOF handling, see Lecture Document Paragraph |
CDynamicFEDofHandler | Dof handler allowing variable local dof layouts |
CEntityMatrixProviderAT | Archetype for the EntityMatrixProvider concept |
CEntityVectorProviderAT | Archetype for the EntityVectorProvider concept |
CUniformFEDofHandler | Dofhandler for uniform finite element spaces |
▼Nbase | Contains basic functionality that is used by other parts of LehrFEM++ |
CAutoTimer | Measures execution time between construction and destruction. AutoTimer can output either to a std::ostream or to a spdlog::logger |
CInvalidTypeException | Thrown to signal that an argument passed to a function had the wrong (polymorphic) type |
CIsScalar | Base Traits class which can be used to determine if a type T is a scalar value |
CIsScalar< std::complex< T >, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > > | Also std::complex is a "scalar" type if the underlying type is a std::is_arithmetic type |
CIsScalar< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > > | Any type that is a std::is_arithmetic is also a scalar type |
CLehrFemInfo | Provides extra information about this version of LehrFEM++, in particular licensing information |
CLfException | A simple, general purpose exception class that is thrown by LehrFEM++ if something is wrong |
CLineFeedFormatter | A spdlog formatter which wraps another formatter and makes sure that if there are new lines (\n ) in the log message, that the log message is still properly indented |
CPredicateTrue | A Function Object that can be invoked with any arguments and that always returns the value true |
CRefEl | Represents a reference element with all its properties |
►CTimer | Timer class to measure time |
▼Nfe | Collects data structures and algorithms designed for scalar finite element methods primarily meant for second-order elliptic boundary value problems |
►Ntest_utils | Includes utilities to test classes from lf::fe |
CDiffusionElementMatrixProvider | Class for computing element matrices for general scalar-valued finite elements and homogeneous 2nd-order elliptic bilinear forms |
CFeHierarchicQuad | Hierarchic Finite Elements of arbitrary degree on quadrilaterals |
CFeHierarchicSegment | Hierarchic Finite Elements of arbitrary degree on segments |
CFeHierarchicTria | Hierarchic Finite Elements of arbitrary degree on triangles |
CFePoint | Finite element on a point |
CHierarchicScalarFESpace | Finite Element Space that supports arbitrary, local degrees |
CMassEdgeMatrixProvider | Quadrature-based computation of local mass matrix for an edge |
CMassElementMatrixProvider | Class for local quadrature based computation of element matrix for Lagrangian finite elements and a weighted \(L^2\) inner product |
CMeshFunctionFE | A MeshFunction representing an element from a ScalarFESpace (e.g. solution of BVP) |
CMeshFunctionGradFE | A MeshFunction representing the gradient of a function from a scalar finite element space (e.g. gradient of a solution of BVP) |
CScalarFESpace | Space of scalar valued finite element functions on a Mesh |
CScalarLoadEdgeVectorProvider | Local edge contributions to element vector |
CScalarLoadElementVectorProvider | Local computation of general element (load) vector for scalar finite elements; volume contributions only |
CScalarReferenceFiniteElement | Interface class for parametric scalar valued finite elements |
▼Ngeometry | Defines the Geometry interface and provides a number of classes that implement this interface + additional geometry related helper routines |
CGeometry | Interface class for shape information on a mesh cell in the spirit of parametric finite element methods |
CParallelogram | Affine quadrilateral = parallelogram |
CPoint | |
CQuadO1 | Bilinear quadrilateral element shape |
CQuadO2 | A second-order quadrilateral in the plane or in 3D space |
CRefinementPattern | Abstract interface class for encoding topological local refinement |
CSegmentO1 | A straight edge defined by the location of its two endpoints |
CSegmentO2 | A second-order segment in the plane or in 3D space |
CTriaO1 | An affine triangle in the plane or in 3D space |
CTriaO2 | A second-order triangle in the plane or in 3D space |
▼Nio | Mesh input (from file) and output (in various formats) facilities |
►CGMshFileV2 | A representation of a .msh file (V2) in a c++ data structure |
►CGMshFileV4 | A representation of a .msh file (V4) in a c++ data structure |
CGmshReader | Reads a Gmsh *.msh file into a mesh::MeshFactory and provides a link between mesh::Entity objects and the gmsh's physical entities |
►CVtkFile | Representation of a VTK file (only relevant) features (advanced usage) |
CVtkWriter | Write a mesh along with mesh data into a vtk file |
▼Nmesh | Defines a set of interface classes that define a mesh manager and provides mesh-related tools that build on these interfaces |
►Nhybrid2d | A namespace for managing 2D hybrid meshes using pointers to store sub-entity relations |
►Nutils | Contains helper functions and classes that all operate on the interface classes defined in lf::mesh |
CEntity | Interface class representing a topological entity in a cellular complex |
CMesh | Abstract interface for objects representing a single mesh |
CMeshFactory | Interface class for initialization of a mesh object |
▼Nquad | Rules for numerical quadrature on reference entity shapes |
CQuadRule | Represents a Quadrature Rule over one of the Reference Elements |
CQuadRuleCache | A cache for make_QuadRule() |
▼Nrefinement | Tools for regular or local refinement of 2D hybrid meshes |
CCellChildInfo | Information about the refinement status of a cell |
CEdgeChildInfo | Information about the refinement status of an edge |
CEntityCenterPositionSelector | Utility class: selection of entities according to the position of their midpoint |
CHybrid2DRefinementPattern | Class containing information about the refinement of a cell |
CMeshFunctionTransfer | A MeshFunction representing interpolation on a lf::refinement::MeshHierarchy |
CMeshHierarchy | A hierarchy of nested 2D hybrid meshes created by refinement |
CParentInfo | Information about possible parent entities |
CPointChildInfo | Information about the refinement status of a point |
▼Nuscalfe | Collects data structures and algorithms designed for scalar finite element methods primarily meant for second-order elliptic boundary value problems |
CFeLagrangeO1Quad | Linear Lagrange finite element on the quadrilateral reference element |
CFeLagrangeO1Segment | Linear Lagrange finite element on a line segment |
CFeLagrangeO1Tria | Linear Lagrange finite element on triangular reference element |
CFeLagrangeO2Quad | Quadratic Lagrangian finite element on a quadrilateral reference element |
CFeLagrangeO2Segment | Quadratic Lagrangian finite element on a line segment |
CFeLagrangeO2Tria | Quadratic Lagrangian finite element on a triangular reference element |
CFeLagrangeO3Quad | Cubic Lagrangian finite element on a quadrilateral reference element |
CFeLagrangeO3Segment | Cubic Lagrangian finite element on a line segment |
CFeLagrangeO3Tria | Cubic Lagrangian finite elment on a triangular reference element |
CFeSpaceLagrangeO1 | (Bi)Linear Lagrangian Finite Element space |
CFeSpaceLagrangeO2 | Quadratic Lagrangian Finite Element space |
CFeSpaceLagrangeO3 | Cubic Lagrangian Finite Element space |
CLinearFELaplaceElementMatrix | Computing the element matrix for the (negative) Laplacian and linear finite elements |
CLinearFELocalLoadVector | Class for computation of local load vector for linear finite elements |
CMassEdgeMatrixProvider | Quadrature-based computation of local mass matrix for an edge |
CPrecomputedScalarReferenceFiniteElement | Helper class which stores a ScalarReferenceFiniteElement with precomputed values at the nodes of a quadrature rule |
CReactionDiffusionElementMatrixProvider | Class for local quadrature based computations for Lagrangian finite elements and second-order scalar elliptic BVPs |
CScalarLoadEdgeVectorProvider | Local edge contributions to element vector |
CScalarLoadElementVectorProvider | Local computation of general element (load) vector for scalar finite elements; volume contributions only |
CUniformScalarFESpace | Space of scalar valued finite element functions on a hybrid 2D mesh |
CVariantVisitor |