LehrFEM++ 1.0.0
A simple Finite Element Library for teaching
No Matches

Detailed Description

A MeshFunction is a function object that can be evaluated at any point on the mesh.


Conceptually, a mesh function assigns to every point on the mesh an object of type R (e.g. double or an Eigen::Matrix2d).

For efficiency reasons, a mesh function is normally evaluated at a number of points at once. Hence a mesh function must overload the bracket operator as follows:

std::vector<R> operator()(const lf::mesh::Entity& e, const Eigen::MatrixXd& local) const
Interface class representing a topological entity in a cellular complex
Definition entity.h:42


The return type of operator() is a std::vector<R> with NumPoints length.


The type MF satisfies the concept MeshFunction if


the following expressions are valid:

expression return type semantics
MF(a) MF Creates a copy of a
MF(std::move(a)) MF "steals" a to create a new MeshFunction
a(e, local) std::vector<T> Evaluates mesh function at points local

Usage scenarios

The concept of a MeshFunction is used widely in the lf::uscalfe module:

See also


class  lf::fe::MeshFunctionFE< SCALAR_FE, SCALAR_COEFF >
 A MeshFunction representing an element from a ScalarFESpace (e.g. solution of BVP) More...
class  lf::fe::MeshFunctionGradFE< SCALAR_FE, SCALAR_COEFF >
 A MeshFunction representing the gradient of a function from a scalar finite element space (e.g. gradient of a solution of BVP). More...
class  lf::mesh::utils::MeshFunctionBinary< OP, A, B >
 A MeshFunction which combines two other mesh functions using a binary operator (advanced use). More...
class  lf::mesh::utils::MeshFunctionConstant< R >
 A MeshFunction which takes the same constant value on the whole mesh. More...
class  lf::mesh::utils::MeshFunctionGlobal< F >
 MeshFunction wrapper for a simple function of physical coordinates. More...
class  lf::mesh::utils::MeshFunctionUnary< OP, MF >
 A mesh function representing another mesh function under a pointwise, unary operation. More...