LehrFEM++ 1.0.0
A simple Finite Element Library for teaching
No Matches
Quick Reference - Assembly

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The contents of this page are discussed in Lecture Document Subsection 2.7.4. Please read this section before using the quick reference.


Assembly in the context of LehrFEM++ refers to computing entries of the stiffness matrix and the right-hand side vector (load vector) for finite elements. Lecture Document Subsection 2.7.4 provides more detailed information.

A key part of efficient assembly is cell-local computations, where the indexing is handled by DOFHandlers. To solve a PDE using the Galerkin method, we assemble the matrix \(\textbf{A}\) and the right-hand side vector \(\vec{b}\) to obtain a linear system \(\textbf{A}\vec{x} = \vec{b}\).

LehrFEM++ provides a number of helper functions for assembly, which are detailed in Lecture Document Subsection

Stiffness/Galerkin Matrix

LehrFEM++ provides the lf::assemble::AssembleMatrixLocally function for assembling the stiffness matrix \(\textbf{A}\). The following example shows how to assemble the stiffness matrix for a Poisson bilinear form

\[a(u, v) = \int_{\Omega} \textbf{grad} u \cdot \textbf{grad} v \, dx \]

using the entity matrix provider lf::uscalfe::LinearFELaplaceElementMatrix.

// initialize triangular 2d mesh somehow
std::shared_ptr<lf::mesh::Mesh> mesh;
// create a dof handler which assigns one global dof to every node of the mesh
lf::assemble::UniformFEDofHandler dofh(mesh,
// initialize EntityMatrixProvider that defines the local Laplace element
// matrix (only for triangular meshes):
lf::uscalfe::LinearFELaplaceElementMatrix entity_matrix_provider;
// setup a COOMatrix into which the global matrix will be assembled:
lf::assemble::COOMatrix<double> lhs(dofh.NumDofs(), dofh.NumDofs());
// increase logging level for AssembleMatrixLocally():
// assemble the global Laplace matrix (iterate over all entities with
// codim=2):
2, dofh, dofh, entity_matrix_provider, lhs);

Right-Hand Side (RHS)/Load Vector

LehrFEM++ also provides the lf::assemble::AssembleVectorLocally function for assembling the right-hand side vector \(\vec{b}\). The following example shows how to assemble a right-hand side vector with a custom entity vector provider, where \(b\) is assembled from volume contributions from local cells.

// initialize a 2d mesh somehow
std::shared_ptr<lf::mesh::Mesh> mesh;
// define a EntityVectorProvider which returns the volume for every mesh cell
struct VolumeEntityVectorProvider {
bool isActive(const lf::mesh::Entity& e) const { return e.Codim() == 0; }
Eigen::VectorXd Eval(const lf::mesh::Entity& e) const {
return Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(1, lf::geometry::Volume(*e.Geometry()));
} entity_vector_provider;
// define a dof handler which assigns a dof to every mesh cell
lf::assemble::UniformFEDofHandler dofh(
// initialize the output vector:
Eigen::VectorXd x(dofh.NumDofs());
// assemble the global vector over entities with codim=0:
lf::assemble::AssembleVectorLocally(0, dofh, entity_vector_provider, x);
// now x[dofh.GlobalDofIndices(e)[0]] will contain the volume of mesh cell e