LehrFEM++ 1.0.0
A simple Finite Element Library for teaching
No Matches
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NassembleD.o.f. index mapping and assembly facilities
 NbaseContains basic functionality that is used by other parts of LehrFEM++
 NfeCollects data structures and algorithms designed for scalar finite element methods primarily meant for second-order elliptic boundary value problems
 Ntest_utilsIncludes utilities to test classes from lf::fe
 NgeometryDefines the Geometry interface and provides a number of classes that implement this interface + additional geometry related helper routines
 Ntest_utilsDefines the Geometry::test_utils module and provides a number of test functions to check geometry objects
 NioMesh input (from file) and output (in various formats) facilities
 NmeshDefines a set of interface classes that define a mesh manager and provides mesh-related tools that build on these interfaces
 Nhybrid2dA namespace for managing 2D hybrid meshes using pointers to store sub-entity relations
 Ntest_utilsUtilities for testing sanity of mesh data structures and tests involving meshes
 NutilsContains helper functions and classes that all operate on the interface classes defined in lf::mesh
 NquadRules for numerical quadrature on reference entity shapes
 NrefinementTools for regular or local refinement of 2D hybrid meshes
 NuscalfeCollects data structures and algorithms designed for scalar finite element methods primarily meant for second-order elliptic boundary value problems