LehrFEM++ 1.0.0
A simple Finite Element Library for teaching
No Matches
4 * LehrFEM++ - A simple C++ finite element libray for teaching
5 * Developed from 2018 at the Seminar of Applied Mathematics of ETH Zurich,
6 * lead developers Dr. R. Casagrande and Prof. R. Hiptmair
7 ***************************************************************************/
17#include "coomatrix.h"
19namespace lf::assemble {
86template <typename SCALAR, typename SELECTOR, typename RHSVECTOR>
88 RHSVECTOR &b) {
89 const lf::assemble::size_type N(A.cols());
90 LF_ASSERT_MSG(A.rows() == N, "Matrix must be square!");
91 LF_ASSERT_MSG(N == b.size(),
92 "Mismatch N = " << N << " <-> b.size() = " << b.size());
93 {
94 // Multiply sparse matrix with the vector of fixed components and subtract
95 // result from right hand side
96 // To skip irrelevant components of fixed_vec rely on a temporary vector
97 Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> tmp_vec(N);
98 for (lf::assemble::gdof_idx_t k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
99 const auto selval{selectvals(k)};
100 if (selval.first) {
101 tmp_vec[k] = selval.second;
102 } else {
103 tmp_vec[k] = SCALAR();
104 }
105 }
106 A.MatVecMult(-1.0, tmp_vec, b);
107 }
108 // Set vector components of right-hand-side vector for prescribed values
109 for (lf::assemble::gdof_idx_t k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
110 const auto selval{selectvals(k)};
111 if (selval.first) {
112 b[k] = selval.second;
113 }
114 }
115 // Set rows and columns of the sparse matrix corresponding to the fixed
116 // solution components to zero
117 A.setZero([&selectvals](gdof_idx_t i, gdof_idx_t j) {
118 return (selectvals(i).first || selectvals(j).first);
119 });
120 // Old implementation, demonstrating what is going on
121 // lf::assemble::COOMatrix<double>::TripletVec::iterator new_last =
122 // std::remove_if(
123 // A.triplets().begin(), A.triplets().end(),
124 // [&fixed_comp_flags](
125 // typename lf::assemble::COOMatrix<double>::Triplet &triplet) {
126 // return (fixed_comp_flags[triplet.row()] ||
127 // fixed_comp_flags[triplet.col()]);
128 // });
129 // // Adjust size of triplet vector
130 // A.triplets().erase(new_last, A.triplets().end());
131 // Add Unit diagonal entries corrresponding to fixed components
133 const auto selval{selectvals(dofnum)};
134 if (selval.first) {
135 A.AddToEntry(dofnum, dofnum, 1.0);
136 }
137 }
183template <typename SCALAR, typename SELECTOR, typename RHSVECTOR>
185 RHSVECTOR &b) {
186 const lf::assemble::size_type N(A.cols());
187 LF_ASSERT_MSG(A.rows() == N, "Matrix must be square!");
188 LF_ASSERT_MSG(N == b.size(),
189 "Mismatch N = " << N << " <-> b.size() = " << b.size());
191 // Set vector components of right-hand-side vector for prescribed values
192 for (lf::assemble::gdof_idx_t k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
193 const auto selval{selectvals(k)};
194 if (selval.first) {
195 b[k] = selval.second;
196 }
197 }
198 // Set rows and columns of the sparse matrix corresponding to the fixed
199 // solution components to zero
200 A.setZero([&selectvals](gdof_idx_t i, gdof_idx_t /*unused*/) {
201 return (selectvals(i).first);
202 });
203 // Old implementation showing the algorithm:
204 // lf::assemble::COOMatrix<double>::TripletVec::iterator new_last =
205 // std::remove_if(
206 // A.triplets().begin(), A.triplets().end(),
207 // [&fixed_comp_flags](
208 // typename lf::assemble::COOMatrix<double>::Triplet &triplet) {
209 // return (fixed_comp_flags[triplet.row()]);
210 // });
211 // // Adjust size of triplet vector
212 // A.triplets().erase(new_last, A.triplets().end());
213 // Add Unit diagonal entries corrresponding to fixed components
215 if (selectvals(dofnum).first) {
216 A.AddToEntry(dofnum, dofnum, 1.0);
217 }
218 }
224template <typename SCALAR>
226 std::vector<std::pair<lf::assemble::gdof_idx_t, SCALAR>>;
250template <typename SCALAR, typename RHSVECTOR>
253 RHSVECTOR &b) {
254 const lf::assemble::size_type N(A.cols());
255 LF_ASSERT_MSG(A.rows() == N, "Matrix must be square!");
256 LF_ASSERT_MSG(N == b.size(),
257 "Mismatch N = " << N << " <-> b.size() = " << b.size());
258 // Set up a vector containing the negative fixed solution components and a
259 // flag vector, whose entry is `true` if the corresponding
260 // vector component is meant to be fixed
261 Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> fixed_vec(b.size());
262 fixed_vec.setZero();
263 std::vector<bool> fixed_comp_flags(N, false);
266 LF_ASSERT_MSG(idx_val_pair.first < N,
267 "Index " << idx_val_pair.first << " >= N = " << N);
268 fixed_vec[idx_val_pair.first] += idx_val_pair.second;
269 fixed_comp_flags[idx_val_pair.first] = true;
270 }
271 // FixFlaggedSolutionComponents<SCALAR>(fixed_comp_flags, fixed_vec, A, b);
274 &fixed_vec](lf::assemble::gdof_idx_t i) -> std::pair<bool, double> {
275 LF_ASSERT_MSG((i < fixed_comp_flags.size()) && (i < fixed_vec.size()),
276 "Illegal index " << i);
277 return std::make_pair(fixed_comp_flags[i], fixed_vec[i]);
278 },
279 A, b);
282} // namespace lf::assemble
A temporary data structure for matrix in COO format.
Definition coomatrix.h:52
void AssembleMatrixLocally(dim_t codim, const DofHandler &dof_handler_trial, const DofHandler &dof_handler_test, ENTITY_MATRIX_PROVIDER &entity_matrix_provider, TMPMATRIX &matrix)
Assembly function for standard assembly of finite element matrices.
Definition assembler.h:115
D.o.f. index mapping and assembly facilities.
Definition assemble.h:31
void FixSolutionComponentsLse(const fixed_components_t< SCALAR > &fixed_components, COOMatrix< SCALAR > &A, RHSVECTOR &b)
manipulate a square linear system of equations with a coefficient matrix in COO format so that some s...
Definition fix_dof.h:251
void FixFlaggedSolutionComponents(SELECTOR &&selectvals, COOMatrix< SCALAR > &A, RHSVECTOR &b)
enforce prescribed solution components
Definition fix_dof.h:87
lf::base::size_type size_type
void FixFlaggedSolutionCompAlt(SELECTOR &&selectvals, COOMatrix< SCALAR > &A, RHSVECTOR &b)
Setting unknowns of a sparse linear system of equations to fixed values.
Definition fix_dof.h:184
Eigen::Index gdof_idx_t
std::vector< std::pair< lf::assemble::gdof_idx_t, SCALAR > > fixed_components_t
Information about fixed solution components.
Definition fix_dof.h:225